Midl DApp Case Study

Sep 13, 2024
Kunwar Khalid
5 min
Case Study

Midl DApp: A cross-border payment solution

In today’s fast-paced global financial landscape, the need for secure, transparent, and efficient cross-border transactions has never been more critical. Enter Midl Finance, a groundbreaking platform that revolutionizes currency exchange and international payments through the power of blockchain technology.ย 

Midl Finance transcends traditional financial services by offering a dual-functionality solution: a cross-border payment system and a currency exchange platform. Leveraging the immutable and transparent nature of blockchain, Midl Finance ensures transactions are not only secure but also slippage-proof, mitigating risks and enhancing trust among users.

At the heart of Midl Finance’s innovation is its unique decentralized jury mechanism. This feature guarantees transparent, fair, and timely resolution of disputes, providing users with an added layer of security and trust. Complementing this is the Tribunal, which oversees the juries to maintain high service standards and ensure that justice is served promptly and equitably.

Midl Financeโ€™s user experience is second to none, designed with a robust feature set that caters to the diverse needs of its users. By adhering to international accounting standards, the platform not only follows best practices but also ensures regulatory compliance, making it a reliable choice for global transactions.

The applicationโ€™s mechanics and tokenomics are a testament to the sophisticated use of game theory principles and behavioral economics. Users are incentivized to provide the best possible services, creating a competitive yet fair environment. Misconduct is effectively discouraged through a system of punitive slashing, ensuring that only those who adhere to the highest standards thrive.

With its comprehensive approach, Midl Finance stands at the forefront of financial innovation, seamlessly integrating traditional financial systems with cutting-edge blockchain technology to deliver a service that is both revolutionary and dependable.ย 

Business Challenge:ย 

  • Ensuring the accuracy and stability of fiat exchange rates without relying on automated market makers, can lead to arbitrage and potential vulnerabilities.
  • Implementing a blockchain-based solution compliant with International Accounting Standards.
  • Developing a decentralized execution framework for on-chain currency exchange, requiring a secure and efficient system for managing custodians and collateral.

How BlockApex Delivered

Solution Overview

BlockApex provided a comprehensive solution that addressed Midl Finance’s challenges by developing tokenomics and implementing a decentralized financial application (DApp).ย 

Tokenomics Excellence

BlockApexโ€™s comprehensive approach to tokenomics was pivotal in the successful implementation of the Midl Finance project. The intricacies of the tokenomics design ensured that all stakeholders, from custodians to users, were properly incentivized to participate and maintain the integrity of the ecosystem.

Custodian Onboarding and Incentives

Custodians are required to deposit collateral, allowing them to facilitate transactions up to 80% of the collateral value; the rest 20% is used as haircut. This ensures every transaction is 100% backed by collateral, maintaining a 1:1 peg of the minted currencyโ€‹โ€‹. Custodians earn rewards from the ramp fee for facilitating new currency onboarding, encouraging their active participation, and ensuring the systemโ€™s liquidity.

User Rewards

Users bringing fiat into the system are rewarded based on the transaction fees, which are distributed weekly following the FIFO principle. This incentivizes early adopters and maintains a steady flow of fiat into the ecosystem.ย 

Users of Midl Finance benefit from multiple use cases. Besides using the platform for currency exchange, they can swap currencies within the associated Alacrity wallet and utilize these currencies across other applications within the Alacrity ecosystem. This integration offers users a seamless and versatile financial experience, enhancing the utility and appeal of the platform.

Tribunal Oversight and Quality Assurance

The Tribunal plays a critical role in maintaining the quality of service and ensuring the integrity of the dispute resolution process. By overseeing the decentralized juries, the Tribunal ensures that all decisions are fair and transparent. This oversight mechanism not only builds trust among users but also upholds the platformโ€™s reputation for reliability and justice.

Research and Compliance

BlockApexโ€™s dedication to research and compliance was instrumental in addressing the complex requirements of the Midl Finance project. Their thorough research into international standards and best practices ensured that the solution was not only innovative but also compliant with global financial regulations.

Integration of International Accounting Standards (IAS)

Implementing IAS 21 was a strategic decision that brought multiple benefits to Midl Finance. IAS 21 provides the groundwork for recording transactions involving foreign exchange rates, ensuring compliance with international standards. This compliance not only mitigates legal risks but also enhances transparency and trust among stakeholders.

Audit Trail

The adoption of IAS 21 facilitates a robust audit trail, enabling detailed tracking of all transactions. This is crucial for maintaining the integrity and accountability of the financial system.

Faster API Response and Data Management

Standardized techniques streamline data management processes, resulting in faster API responses. This efficiency is vital for the scalability, and seamless operation of the platform especially during high transaction volumes.

Development and Quality Assurance

BlockApexโ€™s development team demonstrated exceptional proficiency in delivering a solution with clean code, comprehensive documentation, and remarkable response times. This dedication to quality ensured that the platform was not only functional but also maintainable and scalable

Clean Code and Documentation:ย 

The codebase was meticulously crafted to ensure clarity and maintainability. Detailed documentation supported developers and stakeholders in understanding the systemโ€™s functionality, facilitating smoother onboarding and collaboration.

Advanced Testing Techniques:ย 

The use of advanced testing methodologies, including fuzzing, ensured that the platform was resilient against unexpected inputs and potential vulnerabilities. This rigorous testing regime guaranteed the robustness and security of the system.

Development and Quality Assurance

  • A fiat rate derived from global exchange rates, reducing the risk of arbitrage and making the DApp less prone to attacks.
  • Blockchain implementation of IAS 21 standards, using OPN tokens as the functional currency and USD as the presentation currency.
  • A secure and decentralized system for on-chain currency exchange, involving custodians who submit OPN tokens as collateral.

Future Outlook

Midl Finance stands at the cusp of numerous exciting opportunities, poised to redefine the boundaries of cross-border payments and currency exchange. The potential for product extensions and expanding the target audience is vast, opening new avenues for growth and innovation. By automating workflows through integration with global banking institutions, Midl Finance could simplify and accelerate transactions, bringing unparalleled convenience to its users. These integrations would not only enhance the platformโ€™s efficiency but also expand its reach, making it a go-to solution for individuals and businesses alike.

Imagine a world where Midl Finance integrates AI to streamline workflows and enhance user experience. AI-driven features could predict market trends, optimize currency exchange rates, and provide personalized financial insights, making the platform smarter and more user-centric.

The possibilities for new use cases are endless. From facilitating real-time international payments for e-commerce businesses to providing seamless currency swaps within the Alacrity ecosystem, Midl Finance can cater to a wide array of financial needs and while we can’t reveal all the thrilling developments in the pipeline, one thing is clear: with BlockApex as a trusted development partner, Midl Finance is ready to conquer new frontiers, ensuring a secure, transparent, and innovative financial future for its users.


BlockApexโ€™s methodical and innovative approach to delivering the Midl Finance project highlights our expertise in tokenomics, compliance, and software development. Through rigorous research and the integration of International Accounting Standards (IAS), particularly IAS 21, they ensured that the platform not only adhered to global financial regulations but also enhanced operational efficiency. The implementation of these standards facilitated a robust audit trail, faster API responses, and streamlined data management, significantly contributing to the platformโ€™s reliability and performance.

Our commitment to clean code, comprehensive documentation, and advanced testing techniques like fuzzing, through regression and [something] guarantees a solid app experience. The tokenomics model, which incentivized custodians and users while ensuring the integrity of the system through Tribunal oversight, demonstrated a sophisticated use of game theory and behavioral economics.

BlockApexโ€™s holistic approach, combining thorough research, adherence to international standards, and technical excellence, has positioned Midl Finance as a pioneering force in the realm of cross-border payments and currency exchange.

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