Your Data, Your Rules: The Blockchain Way

Data has become the vigor of the digital age, powering industries, economies, and societies worldwide. Whether personal information, financial records, intellectual property, or trade secrets, data is the driving force behind decision-making, innovation, and business operations. However, data security has emerged as a paramount concern with the increasing digitization of our lives and businesses.

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Achieving Security In Blockchain Part One: Outlining The Problem

A major pillar of blockchain technology is transparency. This means that any system built on blockchain is by definition public- a fact that introduces an entirely new set of vulnerabilities and threats. As a result, cleverly orchestrated hacks on blockchain solutions are not an uncommon feat. Even the biggest names in the field continue to suffer from attacks, resulting in losses equating to millions of dollars. 

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Jimbo’s Protocol Hack Analysis

Jimbo's Protocol is a decentralized finance (DeFi) system built on the Arbitrum chain. The protocol uses a semi-stable floor price for its ERC-20 token, $JIMBO, backed by a treasury of Ether (ETH). However, despite its pioneering efforts to maintain on-chain liquidity and price floors, Jimbo's Protocol recently faced a Flash loan attack.

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The Big Fuzz Theory: Multiverse Of Fuzz Madness

This blog explores the fascinating world of fuzz testing methodologies and frameworks. We delve into stateless and stateful fuzzing. Bounded Model Checking (BMC) is introduced as a technique to verify systems against predefined specifications. Additionally, we discuss the essence of End-to-End (E2E) testing, combining structured scenarios with fuzz testing's unpredictability. Lastly, we compare renowned fuzzing tools, Echidna and Foundry, highlighting their unique features and differences.

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The Big Fuzz Theory: Fuzzing Primer

Fuzz testing, or fuzzing, is a technique used to improve the security of software, including smart contracts in Solidity. It involves supplying random or unexpected data as inputs to a system in an attempt to break it and uncover vulnerabilities that manual testing might miss. Fuzzers generate a set of inputs for testing scenarios that may have been missed during unit testing, helping to identify bugs and potential security issues.

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Infiltrating the EVM-III: Unravel the Impact Of Blockchain On Bug Fixing!

Fixing a bug in traditional software development is often likened to solving a difficult puzzle, each presenting its own challenges. This task has always been complex and time-consuming. However, resolving bugs in a blockchain system is even more demanding due to its transparent & permissionless nature and the high stakes involved with users' funds.

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