Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Explained: A Security Perspective

The peculiarity of the enormous bids surrounding NFTs brings forward several questions about these digital assets. Is there a reason why people are willing to spend thousands of dollars worth of funds for them? What is the technology behind NFTs that ensures their originality? And most importantly, what security risks should I be aware of before I set out to purchase one? Understanding the answers to these common questions is becoming more and more essential as NFTs continue to be a valuable part of the spaces we operate in.

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Revisiting Ethereum Classic in Light of the London Hard Fork

The successful upgrade of the London Hard Fork is a big difference from the fork leading to Ethereum Classic that took place back in 2016. However, despite their divergence, both are milestones in the Ethereum world- guaranteed to have lasting impacts on the blockchain as we know it. Read more to find out the circumstances surrounding each hard fork and the role they may play in shaping Ethereum's future.

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The Big Fuzz Theory: Multiverse Of Fuzz Madness

This blog explores the fascinating world of fuzz testing methodologies and frameworks. We delve into stateless and stateful fuzzing. Bounded Model Checking (BMC) is introduced as a technique to verify systems against predefined specifications. Additionally, we discuss the essence of End-to-End (E2E) testing, combining structured scenarios with fuzz testing's unpredictability. Lastly, we compare renowned fuzzing tools, Echidna and Foundry, highlighting their unique features and differences.

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Infiltrating The EVM IV – Echoes of the Past, Visions for Tomorrow

The article "Infiltrating The EVM IV - Echoes of the Past, Visions for Tomorrow" takes readers on a captivating journey through real-life incidents in the realm of blockchain security. Three gripping narratives stand out: the MISO rescue mission, the Dark Forest of Ethereum, and the Siren Market exploit.

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The Big Fuzz Theory: Fuzzing Primer

Fuzz testing, or fuzzing, is a technique used to improve the security of software, including smart contracts in Solidity. It involves supplying random or unexpected data as inputs to a system in an attempt to break it and uncover vulnerabilities that manual testing might miss. Fuzzers generate a set of inputs for testing scenarios that may have been missed during unit testing, helping to identify bugs and potential security issues.

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