Beyond Defense We Anticipate

At BlockApex, we’re pioneers in blockchain security, uniting experts from the Ethereum Foundation, Oak Security, and SpearbitDao. Our team of security auditors and cyberdefense specialists is dedicated to your secure code review, security engineering, and vulnerability mitigation. We integrate economic insights into our security strategies, ensuring that your organization not only maintains robust security but also achieves sustainable growth in the dynamic web 3 landscape. 

#Project NameAudit reportChainDateCategory
1Amped Finance
23th Apr’24Defi
24th Apr’24Layer 2
19th Apr ’24Defi
15th Apr ’24Defi
22nd Mar ’24Defi
6Adot Marketplace
13th Mar ’24NFT Marketplace
23rd Jan ’24Defi
15th Jan ’24NFT & Entertainment
10th Jan ’24Launchpad
10Base Yield
4th Dec ’23DeFi
4th Dec ’23DeFi
12Zero Liquid
23rd May ’24DeFi
13Yamato Protocol
24th Apr '24Layer 2
14Script Network
19th Apr ’24DeFi
15th Apr ’24DeFi
23rd Jan ’24DeFi
15th Jan ’24NFT & Entertainment
18Rain Protocol
29th Nov '22Defi & Orderbook
19Jump Defi
4th Nov '22App Chain
20Borderless Money
16th Sep '22Defi
21Phase Protocol
19th Aug '22Defi & Exchange
22Spin Finance
7th Jul ’22Defi & Exchange
15th June ’22Defi & Wallet
24Arable Protocol
14th June ’22Defi & Exchange
23rd May '22NFT & Staking
17th Jan '22Defi & Exchange
30th Dec '21DAO
3rd Nov '21DAO
28th Sep '21Wallet
14th June ’22Defi & Exchange

Optimize and Fortify Your Code

At BlockApex, our Smart Contract Audit transcends traditional scrutiny. We conduct an exhaustive, line-by-line examination to optimize your contract’s code for peak security, performance, and reliability. Our experienced auditors apply a rigorous analytical lens to ensure your smart contract operates flawlessly and securely.

Payment Contracts

Escrow contracts

Governance contracts

Multi-signature contracts

Account Abstraction

Vault Contract

NFT Contract

DeFi Contracts

Common Vulnerabilities

Oracle Price Manipulation

Compromised Private Keys

Misconfigured Deployment

Race Conditions

Non-conformant token interactions

Vault Contract

NFT Contract

DeFi Contracts

Common Vulnerabilities

Arbitrary CPI

Improper PDA Validation

Ownership Check

Signer Check

Sysvar Account CheckIncorrect Signers


Not Prioritized Messages

Slow ABCI Methods

Broken Bookkeeping

Broken Bookkeeping

Rounding Errors

Unregistered Message Handler

Missing Error Handler

Common Vulnerabilities

Account Abstraction Flaws

Finite Field Division Errors

View Function State Risks

View Function State Risks

Default Arithmetic Overflow

L1-L2 Address Mismatch

Felt Comparison Inconsistencies

Namespace Storage Oversights

Common Vulnerabilities

Resource Mismanagement

Access Control Flaws

Type Safety Violations

Module Update Vulnerabilities

Learning from the best

Parity Wallet Freeze


Yearn Finance Exploit


Compound finance liquidation


PancakeBunny Exploit


Cream Finance


Comprehensive Analysis for Every Architecture

BlockApex’s blockchain auditors perform a deep audit of your network architecture, whether it’s monolithic or modular. We focus on robust evaluations across all moving parts, ensuring your blockchain infrastructure is resilient and well-equipped to withstand both current and future threats.

Single-Layer Architecture

Layered Architecture

Common Vulnerabilities

51% Attack Vulnerability

Replay Attacks


Multi-Layer Architecture

Interoperable Architecture

Sidechains and Parachains

Layer 2 & Rollups

Common Vulnerabilities

Smart Contract Flaws

Consensus Layer Attacks

Data Availability Issues

Data Availability Issues

Cross-Chain Relay Flaws

IBC-related vulnerabilities

Parachain Consensus Issues

Sidechain Pegging Vulnerabilities

Smart Contract Flaws specific to Rollup Contracts

Operator Censorship or Downtime

Withdrawal Delays or Denial

Withdrawal Delays or Denial

Public-Private Hybrid

Common Vulnerabilities

Endpoint Security Vulnerabilities

Permissioned Layer Breaches

Private Data Leakage

Learning from the best

Ethereum Classic Attack (2020)

807,260 etc

Poly Network (2021)




Ronin Network


Ultimate Protection for Your Digital Wallet

Your wallet is the gateway to your blockchain assets, and at BlockApex, we ensure it’s impenetrable. Our Wallet Security service provides a rigorous examination and fortification of your wallet’s security architecture. From private key protection protocols to transaction verification mechanisms, we leave no stone unturned, safeguarding your digital treasury against the most sophisticated threats.

Key Components

architecture designs

encryption & Cryptographic Protocol

Key Management

identity management

User Authentication Mechanisms

Account Generation

transaction verification & sign in

backup & Recovery systems

Common Vulnerabilities

Malicious Wallet Apps

Misconfigured Wallets

Insecure Backup Systems

Insecure Random Number Generation

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Insecure API Implementation

UI Redressing (Clickjacking)

Malicious Wallet Apps

Misconfigured Wallets

Insecure Backup Systems

Insecure Random Number Generation

Faulty Transaction Verification

Inadequate Encryption

Improper Session Handling

Insecure Direct Object References

Learning from the best

Coincheck Hack (2018)


Bitfinex Hack (2016)


BadgerDAO Hack (2021)


Lympo Hack


SAFEguarding your decenteralized applications

“BlockApex’s DApp Security merges relevant penetration testing methodologies to first exposure, then armour against both visible and hidden threats. We ensure your decentralized & off chain components are immune to all adversarial threats.

Key Components

User Access Control

Front-End Interface

Data Encryption & Storage

Network Security

Transaction Management

External API Security

Activity Logging

Backup & Recovery Systems

Common Vulnerabilities

Insecure Direct Object References

Access Control Flaws

Cross-Site Request Forgery

Client-Side Security Issues

Insecure Direct Object References

Access Control Flaws

Cross-Site Request Forgery

Client-Side Security Issues

Learning from the best

Uniswap and Lendf.Me Hack (April 2020)


Harvest Finance Hack


Atomic Wallet


Vulcan Forged Hack


Invariant Development as a Service

BlockApex specializes in Invariant Development, creating smart contracts that are secure today and resilient for the future. We emphasize on building robust invariants with all desired conditions.

Key Components

Formal Verification

Contract Logic Analysis

State Consistency Checks

Invariant Specification and Modeling


Logic Bugs

Incorrect State Transitions

Flawed Invariant Conditions

Contract Upgrade Flaws

Learning from the best

beanstalk farms Attack


Bancor Network Vulnerability


Euler Finance Attack


Our Value Proposition

diverse pool of auditors

Our interdisciplinary team of experts in cybersecurity, fintech, data science, and solution architecture, offers a comprehensive perspective on security. We’re adept at navigating the multifaceted vulnerabilities in the DeFi landscape and beyond, ensuring that our defense strategies are both robust and inclusive. This diversity in expertise is our core strength, empowering you against a complex array of threats for every functional and systemic aspect of your operations.

performance with purpose

BlockApex guarantees continuous security with incremental invariant testing and advanced fuzzing tools integration to your CI pipeline. Our approach not only elevates functionality but significantly lowers risk, offering unparalleled value. With us, your blockchain systems achieve optimal efficiency and safety, ensuring minimal disruption in purposeful design improvements.

collaborative security partnership

We believe in driving community and investor trust in your state of security. Our collaboration with you goes beyond audits reports and documentation. We involve blue teams for robust defense strategies and offer shift left security training to equip your team from ground up. This partnership approach ensures a shared vision for secure interactions.

Adaptive Threat Simulation

Static defense is a thing of the past. At BlockApex, we employ adaptive threat simulations, beyond surface level assessment to challenge the latest and most sophisticated security threats. Our team of whitehat hackers and red teams proactively fortify your system’s defenses in real-time, providing a dynamic shield against both current and emerging threats.

Browse our related hack analysis


BlockApex specializes in thorough blockchain solutions audits, meticulously examining and validating the integrity of your on-chain logic and operations. Our detailed process is designed to boost the integrity, performance, and reliability of your blockchain solutions, providing unwavering security at every stage. Trust BlockApex to enhance and secure your blockchain operations with our expert auditing services.

Ensure the highest level of security and trust for your blockchain projects with BlockApex’s blockchain audits. Our expert services focus on delivering comprehensive security solutions, protecting your platform and its users against potential vulnerabilities and hacks. BlockApex’s blockchain audits are essential for maintaining compliance and building trust in the blockchain space.

BlockApex leads in blockchain security, employing top industry practices for your safety. We specialize in threat modeling, detailed security audits, test suite development, and manual code reviews to fortify your blockchain solutions against threats. Rely on BlockApex for unmatched blockchain security services

Discover the affordability of smart contract audits with BlockApex. Our transparent pricing is designed to accommodate a range of budgets, ensuring you receive top-notch security without overspending. Safeguard your digital assets cost-effectively with our services. Complete our form today, and receive a tailored proposal within the next 24 hours.

BlockApex excels in addressing vulnerabilities revealed during blockchain audits, fortifying your solutions with comprehensive mitigation strategies. Our expertise in blockchain vulnerability mitigation ensures that your infrastructure is secure and resilient. With BlockApex, rest assured that every identified vulnerability is meticulously addressed, maintaining the highest security standards for your blockchain projects.

Discover the efficient timeline for blockchain audits at BlockApex. Our streamlined process delivers results promptly, typically ranging from 1.5 to 4.5 weeks, depending on the complexity of the code and the depth of the contracts. This allows you to effectively plan and execute your projects without delay. Rely on BlockApex for timely and thorough blockchain audit services, keeping your projects on schedule.

BlockApex excels in providing comprehensive blockchain security audits and smart contract optimization. Our holistic approach covers everything from code vulnerabilities to economic architecture, ensuring total protection for your blockchain solutions. Additionally, we specialise in smart contract and gas optimization, delivering expert advice to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and achieve peak performance.

Discover how BlockApex supports regulatory compliance and addresses legal aspects in blockchain. We help you navigate the complex regulatory landscape confidently and provide legal clarity.

Discover the exceptional qualifications and expertise of BlockApex’s auditors, a team composed of industry veterans from Oak Security, Ethereum Foundation, and CertiK, as well as accomplished OSWR contributors, CEH, CRTP, and expert pentesters from TCL, Dropbox, and Apple. Their collective experience guarantees top-tier security for your blockchain projects.

Visit our ‘Clients and Partners’ section to witness BlockApex’s successful blockchain security audits, showcasing our expertise and proven track record in protecting blockchain solutions. Rely on our history of success for your project’s security needs.

Explore BlockApex’s extensive support offerings, including shift-left security, post-monitoring solutions, invariant development, and incident response. Our dedicated approach ensures your blockchain systems are not only resilient but continuously protected and updated. Rely on BlockApex for enduring, proactive blockchain system care.”

Discover BlockApex’s esteemed certifications and affiliations in blockchain security, highlighting our dedication to upholding the highest industry standards. As proud members of the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance and certified professionals with CRTP, CEH, eCCPTv2 credentials, along with being OSWR contributors, we stand as certified experts in securing your blockchain projects.

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