Tron Smart Contract

Vulnerabilities Identified


Smart Contracts Audited


Performance Optimization

Community Trust

Time & Cost Efficiency

Automated & dynamic Testing
We use industry-leading security tools to analyze your code for vulnerabilities across different blockchain languages.
Line-By-Line Code Review
Our blockchain security experts meticulously examine every line of your code, identifying security weaknesses and opportunities for gas optimization.
Initial Report
Publish Final Audit Report
When do your TRON Smart contract need the Audit?
Integer Overflow
Access Control Issues
Unchecked External Calls
Denial-of-Service (DoS)
Integer Overflow
Access Control Issues
Unchecked External Calls
Denial-of-Service (DoS)
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Tron's rising popularity attracts malicious actors, making audits crucial. Unidentified smart contract vulnerabilities can be exploited by hackers, leading to loss of funds. Audits act as a security measure, protecting your project and user assets.
The cost for an TRON Smart Contract Audit typically ranges from $5000-$13000 for a standard audit. For a more thorough examination involving formal verification, the price generally falls between $15,000 and $25,000. The exact cost can vary based on the complexity and scope of the project.
Common vulnerabilities include:
- Reentrancy attacks: These allow attackers to exploit a loophole and call your smart contract function multiple times with a single transaction.
- TRX send rejection: This occurs when your contract attempts to send TRX but encounters an error, potentially leaving the transaction in a weird state.
- Integer overflow: This happens when mathematical calculations exceed the intended data range, leading to unexpected behavior.
- Increased security: Audits identify and fix vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.
- Enhanced investor confidence: A successful audit from a reputable third-party reassures users and investors about the safety of their funds.
- Peace of mind: Knowing your contract is secure provides valuable peace of mind for you and your project.