Sui Smart Contract Audit

Sui Smart Contract Audit

Our Sui Smart Contract Auditors are committed to delivering top-notch Sui smart contract audits, hardened security and enhancing performance for your Sui project. Through active engagement within the Sui ecosystem, our auditors maintain expertise in the latest Rust coding standards.


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Vulnerabilities Identified

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Smart Contracts Audited

Benefits Of Sui Smart Contract Audit


Unique use cases at times attract zero day vulnerabilities beyond Automated tests. Our security engineers leverage advanced techniques like fuzzing & formal verification to tackle unique vulnerabilities specific to your project. 5+ years of experience keeps us at the cutting edge of blockchain security.

Performance Optimization

We go beyond security, optimizing your code for blazing-fast transactions, lower gas fees, and a seamless user experience.

Community Trust

A successful BlockApex Audit Certification acts as a security badge of honor. Attract investors & users with confidence, fostering a vibrant community around your project.

Time & Cost Efficiency

Get a clear timeline & upfront pricing tailored to your project’s complexity. Our auditors collaborate closely, delivering actionable insights to solidify your project.
Our Methodology
The Sui Smart Contract Audit process is initiated with code freeze and gathering documentation i.e., codeSui, whitepaper, etc. to give us a clear picture of your project.
Automated & dynamic Testing
We use industry-leading security tools to analyze your code for vulnerabilities across different blockchain languages.
Line-By-Line Code Review

Our blockchain security experts meticulously examine every line of your code, identifying security weaknesses and opportunities for gas optimization.

Initial Report
We provide a draft report with findings and suggestions for fixing the issues. We work with you to implement the fixes and ensure no new problems arise.
Publish Final Audit Report
Once the fixes are reviewed, we deliver the final public report, building transparency and trust with investors and users.
When do your Sui Smart contract need the Audit?


Pre-Listing Audit

Post-Update Audit

Upon identifying suspicious activity

Know Your bugs

Reentrancy Attacks

Integer Overflow

Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks

Unprotected External Calls

Lack of Access Controls

Vulnerabilities that allow attackers to reenter a contract repeatedly, potentially manipulating state variables and causing unexpected behavior.
Errors in arithmetic calculations involving integers can lead to unintended consequences, such as funds being improperly transferred or incorrect data manipulation.
Vulnerabilities that allow attackers to consume excessive gas or resources, causing the contract to become unresponsive or leading to network congestion.
Contracts that interact with external contracts without proper validation and security checks are vulnerable to attacks, such as phishing or malicious contract calls.
Contracts that lack proper access controls may allow unauthorized users to execute privileged functions or modify critical contract data.
Know your Bugs

Reentrancy Attacks

Vulnerabilities that allow attackers to reenter a contract repeatedly, potentially manipulating state variables and causing unexpected behavior.

Integer Overflow

Errors in arithmetic calculations involving integers can lead to unintended consequences, such as funds being improperly transferred or incorrect data manipulation.

Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks

Vulnerabilities that allow attackers to consume excessive gas or resources, causing the contract to become unresponsive or leading to network congestion.

Unprotected External Calls

Contracts that interact with external contracts without proper validation and security checks are vulnerable to attacks, such as phishing or malicious contract calls.

Lack of Access Controls

Contracts that lack proper access controls may allow unauthorized users to execute privileged functions or modify critical contract data.

Have Questions?

Find Answers Here!

Our smart contract audit process thoroughly examines Sui smart contract logic and operations to ensure security and reliability. We collaborate closely with your team to understand project requirements and provide actionable insights.

Smart contract audits are vital for ensuring the security and integrity of Sui projects. They identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities, protecting the platform and its users from security risks and hacks.

We employ industry-leading practices such as threat modeling, detailed security audits, and manual code reviews to fortify Sui blockchain solutions against threats. Our team stays updated with the latest security standards and practices within the Sui ecosystem.

The cost for an Sui Smart Contract Audit typically ranges from $7000-$12000 for a standard audit. For a more thorough examination involving formal verification, the price generally falls between $15,000 and $25,000. The exact cost can vary based on the complexity and scope of the project.

Yes, our team excels in addressing vulnerabilities revealed during audits by providing comprehensive mitigation strategies. We ensure that every identified vulnerability is meticulously addressed to maintain the highest security standards for Sui projects.
Get in touch to secure your smart contracts today!

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