Avalanche smart contract audit

Avalanche Smart Contract Audit

Our Avalanche Smart Contract Auditor is dedicated to conducting cutting-edge Avalanche Smart Contract Audits, ensuring heightened security and optimized performance for your Avalanche project. With extensive collaboration within the Avalanche ecosystem, we stay up-to-date with the latest Solidity and AvalancheGo coding standards.


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Vulnerabilities Identified

$ 0 B


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Smart Contracts Audited

Benefits Of Avalanche Smart Contract Audit


Unique use cases at times attract zero day vulnerabilities beyond Automated tests. Our security engineers leverage advanced techniques like fuzzing & formal verification to tackle unique vulnerabilities specific to your project. 5+ years of experience keeps us at the cutting edge of blockchain security.

Performance Optimization

We go beyond security, optimizing your code for blazing-fast transactions, lower gas fees, and a seamless user experience.

Community Trust

A successful BlockApex Audit Certification acts as a security badge of honor. Attract investors & users with confidence, fostering a vibrant community around your project.

Time & Cost Efficiency

Get a clear timeline & upfront pricing tailored to your project’s complexity. Our auditors collaborate closely, delivering actionable insights to solidify your project.
Our Methodology
The process is initiated with code freeze and gathering documentation i.e., codebase, whitepaper, etc. to give us a clear picture of your project.
Automated & dynamic Testing
We use industry-leading security tools to analyze your code for vulnerabilities across different blockchain languages.
Line-By-Line Code Review
Our security experts meticulously examine every line of your code, identifying security weaknesses and opportunities for gas optimization.
Initial Report
We provide a draft report with findings and suggestions for fixing the issues. We work with you to implement the fixes and ensure no new problems arise.
Publish Final Audit Report
Once the fixes are reviewed, we deliver the final public report, building transparency and trust with investors and users.
When do your Avalanche Smart contract Audit?


Pre-Listing Audit

Post-Update Audit

Upon identifying suspicious activity

Know your Bugs

Integer Overflow

Cross-contract vulnerabilities

Access Control Issue

Flashloan Attacks

Logic Errors

Mishandling of integer arithmetic operations can result in unintended outcomes, such as loss of funds or denial of service attacks, posing security risks to Avalanche smart contracts.
Interactions between smart contracts can introduce security risks, including unauthorized access to contract state or funds, compromising the integrity of the Avalanche blockchain ecosystem.
If a smart contract doesn’t properly restrict access to critical functions, unauthorized users might be able to exploit this and perform unintended actions. This could involve stealing funds, changing contract parameters, or disrupting its functionality.

These attacks leverage the ability to borrow a large amount of funds on a decentralized exchange (DEX) without any upfront collateral.

Even seemingly minor bugs or errors in the smart contract’s code logic can have unintended consequences. These logic errors could create vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit.
Know your Bugs

Integer Overflow

Mishandling of integer arithmetic operations can result in unintended outcomes, such as loss of funds or denial of service attacks, posing security risks to Avalanche smart contracts.

Cross-contract vulnerabilities

Interactions between smart contracts can introduce security risks, including unauthorized access to contract state or funds, compromising the integrity of the Avalanche blockchain ecosystem.

Time Manipulation

Contracts relying on block timestamps for time-sensitive operations may be vulnerable to manipulation, allowing attackers to exploit time discrepancies for malicious purposes in Avalanche smart contracts.

Lack of Access Control

Contracts without proper access control mechanisms may grant unauthorized users or contracts unintended privileges, compromising the security and integrity of the Avalanche blockchain ecosystem.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Risks

Smart contracts involved in DeFi applications on Avalanche, such as lending, borrowing, or yield farming, may face risks like flash loan attacks, collateral under-collateralization, or inefficient liquidation mechanisms, posing threats to user funds and platform stability.

Have Questions?

Find Answers Here!

An Avalanche smart contract audit is a comprehensive examination of the code underlying a smart contract on the Avalanche blockchain. It aims to identify potential vulnerabilities and ensure the security and performance of the contract.

BlockApex specializes in Avalanche smart contract audits, leveraging extensive experience and collaboration within the Avalanche ecosystem. Our audits enhance security, optimize performance, and instill confidence in your project.

The duration of an Avalanche smart contract audit depends on factors such as the complexity of the contract and the scope of the audit. However, we work closely with you upfront to define a clear audit timeline and strive to complete the process efficiently without compromising quality.

The cost for an Avalanche smart contract audit typically ranges from $5000-$11000 for a standard audit. For a more thorough examination involving formal verification, the price generally falls between $15,000 and $25,000. The exact cost can vary based on the complexity and scope of the project.

Get in touch to secure your smart contracts today!

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