
Zunami Hack Analysis

Zunami is a decentralized protocol operating in the Web3 space, specializing in issuing aggregated stablecoins like UZD and zETH. These…

5 months ago

The Critical Role of Oracles in Real-World Asset Tokenization

The critical role of Oracles in Real-World Asset Tokenization

6 months ago

Privacy Pools – Striking the Balance in Privacy and Regulations

Public blockchains represent a paradigm shift in digital transactions, offering a transparent and decentralized ledger accessible to anyone. However, this…

8 months ago

A Primer for the Zero-Knowledge Cryptography: Part II

Introducing the initial building block: the Elliptic curve DLP primitive. Subsequently, in the forthcoming series, we will delve into other…

8 months ago

Decoding the ERC-2771 Delegatecall Vulnerability

ERC-2771 is a protocol designed for authenticating users in transactions relayed through a third party. It plays a pivotal role…

8 months ago

A Primer for the Zero-Knowledge Cryptography III

In the previous edition of the ZK cryptography series, we thoroughly explored the fundamentals of our first computational problem DLP…

8 months ago

The Big Fuzz Theory: Multiverse Of Fuzz Madness

This blog explores the fascinating world of fuzz testing methodologies and frameworks. We delve into stateless and stateful fuzzing. Bounded…

1 year ago

The Big Fuzz Theory: Fuzzing Primer

Fuzz testing, or fuzzing, is a technique used to improve the security of software, including smart contracts in Solidity. It…

1 year ago

Infiltrating the EVM-II: Inside the War Room’s Arsenal

War Room is an immersive, high-energy environment incorporating a dedicated team of experts that comes together to form the backbone…

1 year ago

Infiltrating the EVM-III: Unravel the Impact Of Blockchain On Bug Fixing!

Fixing a bug in traditional software development is often likened to solving a difficult puzzle, each presenting its own challenges.…

1 year ago

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